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Why I Don't Vote

Are you a registered voter? I'm not! My mom always reminds me to register so that I can vote on the next election period. But why? Why do I need to vote? Let me share my thoughts and opinions on voting... Maybe this applies only to my political belief... I dunno...

Why Naziah Nawawie refuse to vote:

  1. I don't kno the person I'm voting for. I wouldn't want to vote for the WRONG person who will end up in the newspaper using all the money people invested to them to buy a new Mercedes Benz.

  2. I'm neither against nor fancy any specific political thought or party. Why? They even fight WITHIN their own party, amongst themselves! How can you convince people to believe in you if your own house is a mess?

  3. If I vote, will the oil price be cut down? Will Samy Vellu reduce the toll price? Will they pay for a vacation to Japan for me? I don't think so, right?!

  4. I will only vote for 3 people if they decide to be the candidate in my area; Anwar Ibrahim, Joseph Pairin Kitingan, and Dr M. I have my own reasons as to why only these 3 will get me voting. Again, I don't go for the party, I go for the person...

  5. Last but not least, it's always bloody hot and crowded at those voting area... :p

There you go! Those are MY reasons for not voting. If the government wants to wajibkan voting, SO SUE ME!!!!!!


BenBHadd said…
careful what you ask for. Some random Internet Analyst might pull up your blog and find all this seditious then you'll have your baby at the government's cost (which isn't so bad, really....)

Agree with most of the points, since I don't vote either. But those 3 blokes won't get me voting too. Who would?? Dunno....Don't care....
NN said…
Again, if the government can give me an answer to my points, I'll be more than happy to re-write my comments... :p . If they decide to throw me in, I must be a very powerful person.... heheheheh....
fara / ly-d said…
nyehnyeh... am guilty of not being a registered voter too..!!! SPR had set up booth at klcc like a gazzillion times but i just couldn't be bothered.

have exactly the same reasons for not registering as a voter.

i don't know who the heck these people are. most end up on the boards of these big big companies... making big big bucks... they don't even make the effort to be at the dewan negara/rakyat... and i am supposed to vote?
BenBHadd said…
I wasn't referring to the super duper all powederful internal 'crony' act...More jail term....

But then again, there are bigger badder bloggers out there so you're quite lame, me thinks to be 'thrown in'...SO babay's safe from mommy's gungho'ness'...
Erra said…
i'm not registered as well!

i don't like the people in power as well as the opposition, where should my vote go?

mrbrightside said…
somehow i passed by the SPR counter last 2 months and thought 'hey why not i register?' i registered.took me quite a number of years to decide..but which party aaa?

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