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I don't wanna whine but...

Look at my tired face! My body hurts. My wrists are swollen (not ankle, like other pregnant people... WRISTS!). I can't sleep at night. I sleep very well in the afternoon, which I don't understand why. I wake up every 30 minutes to go to the loo, which don;t happen in the afternoon. I wan't to eat but I can't. I eat, but I still have heartburn. Been drinking milk, a cow a day but my weight is still the same. Doctor ask me to lay off work already and start the eating and sleeping routine but I don't wanna yet. The baby stop growing and she might be small for her week hence the eating and sleeping routine as per Doctor. But I can't! I like going to the ofis now (Laugh Cat laugh! Ben, stop rolling on the floor!). Ofis got friends to borak with. At home, I don't feel like watching TV or do anything else. I can't just sleep the whole day?! HUWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Phewww! Since that's all out of the way, watcha guys think? Should I take my leave of eating and sleeping now? I wanna wait in another 2 weeks time. So takdela banyak sangat my unpaid leave or MCs. I dunno la. If my mom knows about tis, she's gonna make sure I'm all locked up in my room and only allows me to go down from the bed to pee!
Back to AI, I was reading Esah's comments on Sanjaya. Very ineteresting I must say. Ben should read it. I agree with her. Not his fault he's there still. Judges put him there at the first place. The Americans who voted for him either a) tone deaf, b) 'amazed' by his childish grin, c) Asians (particularly Indians) who potrays him as their hero (no racism intended here) or d) thinks that he is a good piece of joke. At the end of the day, I pity Sanjaya. He doesn't kno whether him being there is for his talent or just another clown without the makeups.
By the way, the pic up there was taken on my cousin's 9th birthday (to justify the mickey ears). That's Lisa (my cousin), moi, and Ajan, my sister.
To all who has read this, thanks for being a good 'listener'. People always say don't complain or whine about you pregnancy. I should be thankful, at least I'm pregnant (yes... Alhamdulillah, I've been wanting this since forever.) BUT I can't help it. It's a beautiful experience, but when you're pregnant since LAST year, you kno what I mean.........


The Momster said…
hang on there babe!! :)
NN said…
huwaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!!! Nina!!!!!!!!! sobsobsob...
elly said…
dont worry dear!! It will be alllll worth it i tell ya!!!
Ash said…
Yeah Jiah... hang in there. We are all prayin' for you. Insya-Allah everything will go well. :-) (hugs).
NN said…
I love you guys!!!!!! sobsobsob...

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