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The Ultimate Cheesy-Ballad Playlist

Remember the days when NKOTB rules and Richard Marx was really, really hip? I was reading and they listed songs from the past that was so hot at that time, you won't even remember why you have the album... Here's my top 10 list of 'TUCBP';

  1. Please don't go girl by NKOTB - I used to cry everytime I hear the song. Hahhahahahahaahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
  2. You're in love by Wilson Phillips - They were cool and rockin' the 90's. But after 'growing up', the song doesn't make sense. "You're in love, that's the way, it should be, coz I wan't you to be happy"... It's a loser song! Why would you want your crush to have that? Call me selfish but DUH!
  3. Hero by Mariah Carey - One of the most played song in TKC. It's not a bad song but it's just too 'I'm-Rocky-and-I'll-be-the-top-boxer-again' kinda song. Aah! You get wat I mean... It's too cheesy la senang cerita.
  4. One Sweet Day by Mariah and Boys II Men - We (Noorhaina Hirawani and myself) used to sing this song in the shower. DUET! She'll do the Mariah bit and I'll do the dude bit. For those who are laughing and rolling right now, you're all going to hell!
  5. Right here waiting by Richard Marx - Abu dedicated this song when we were dating. I now wonder why I married him... :P
  6. A whole new world by Peabo Bryson and Regina Belle - Aladdin is still one of my favourite Disney movie. But the song gives me the creep now. Dunno why....
  7. Everything I do, I do it for you by Bryan Adams - He's one of my favourite singer of all time. But the song is so fehlong (fehlong = jiwang karat nak mampus!). Yucks! It gives me goosebumps...
  8. My heart will go on by Celine Dion - Once upon a time, when I was so into this particular dude, I dedicated this song to him because I tot the lyrics was beautiful since he was in Indiana and I was here and it so kena with the situation. He then, replied back with the song 'Two steps behind' by Def leppard. That was truly a beautiful moment. But now, It seems so cheesy that I can't even bring myself to look at the title of the song when I see it in any karaoke book! It's in my 'loser song list' along with All by myself (Celine) and Through the rain (Mariah). p/s: Cat and Marina update our suicide song list
  9. I'll never break your heart by Backstreet Boys - This is super-sized cheese! Only a liar will dedicate this song to you. Wat kind of promise is that? Why would you want to make a promise that you most definitely can't keep.
  10. You are not alone by Michael Jackson - This is the grandfather of all cheesy ballads! Amelia (if you are reading this Chagia, chwesonghaeyo!) even went to get the same haircut as MJ in the video. At one point, I tot he was sexy in the video but man! I couldn't be any wronger (if this is even a word)! He was skinny and WHITE! The black was even fairer than any caucasian in the video.

There's my list... I'm hoping to hear some confessions soon from you people. Heheheh...

BTW; I did a 'Praba' today (came to work at 7am on my AL......hahahhahaha!)


The Momster said…
OMG!! how can u cry for song no.1?? hahahahaahahhahaha... tak pecaya!!

but then it's amazing kan how we can still remember the lyrics for NKOTB songs... hehe...
NN said…
I can still sing MOST of the NKOTB songs now.... AMAZING! hahahahahahahahah! Please don't go girl is a sad, sad song! Joey Mcintyre was so cute with the blue eyes and the curly hair. I always imagine him singing it to me with those blue eyes... Hence the crying part.
Ben; I went back after spending 15 minutes in the ofis. reach home and slept like a baby for 2 hours! I'm bored out of my eyeballs. Waiting 'patiently' for 6pm to watch American Idol.
cadence said…
naziah = NKOTB die hard fan.

u remember when we danced the stupid inang to the stupid hanging tough remix for CS party 1991?!

lagu 'terketak-terketak' tu tak masuk ke? we could be in love (so why dont u already, and stop singing the song!)

my heart will go on is, no doubt, the crappiest ever...
elly said…

it brings back memories!!!!

NKOTB was the best then ok!

inang to hangin tough??!!! wow!!! hehe
NN said…
Zess!!!! YOU GENIUS!!!!! Lagu terketak!!! How could I?!!!! Most definitely a must in TUCB list...

And yes mummy-o... We(menjeling ke arah zizie...) dance inang using hangin' tough...

P/s: I still think Jordan Knight is one of the most good looking dude ever!
fara / ly-d said…
yikes... i can recall all those songs bebbbb... chilaker sungguh.. and yes, fehlong tahap zargusss
fara / ly-d said…
deyyy zezz... if am not mistaken, dulu mase in 1C we had this book full of songs.. which we all took turns to sing to.. banyak giler cheesy songs... i wonder where that book ended up in.. prolly the trash :))

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