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The one with the stolen meme

Stolen from Esah, as usual...

Last person who wrote you a testimonial?

In friendster, from Farah, saying that my kid is so cute. Look at the mommy, of course la the kid will come out cute!

Last movie watched?

Err... Can't remember... Most probably Transformers with Fikri and Abu back in KK.

What do people notice first about you?

The halo on my head, the bright light coming out from me... It's just so calming!

Do you like peanut butter?

Nope. Not everyday... Sometimes.. Rarely.. Err... Nope... Too sticky.

Do you read comic books?

Yes. Rose is Rose, Calvin & Hobbes, Archie... I have the complete set of Rose is Rose. Also Calvin & Hobbes. I love comic books!!!

What's your favorite restaurant?

This is a tie between Marche and the Pancake Haus @ The Curve. It's the only 2 places where we held our annual loser meeting. (btw, Cat & Marina, when's the next meeting?)

Do you have enemies?

Does George Bush have enemies?

Do you hate anyone?

How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways... I'm always angry and cursing at someone. If it's not the driver who cuts me off, it's the slow McD staff. So yes, I'm not Angelina Jolie!

Do you like to go grocery shopping?

My favourite! When you have your own place and a family to feed, that's the only shopping that you get to do on a frequent basis. I love going to Mydin @ USJ. It's HUGE and they have LOADS of stuff. It's like Disneyland for me!

First thing to do when you when you wake up tomorrow morning?

Which time? I wake up at 3am to feed my kid. If that's not considered morning, then, it'll be sembahyang Subuh la kot...

Where were you born?

In a far, far galaxy... Heh... Hospital Queen Elizabeth Kota Kinabalu.

What was the last thing you downloaded?

Baa Baa Black Sheep from Ares for Kady.

Are you rich?

I'm a millionaire in Indonesia, but everywhere else in the world, not so much. I collect 1 cents from everywhere (jalan raya, atas lantai... etc...). Does that make me rich?

Are you a registered voter?

Kindly refer to my post on April 20th, entitled 'WHY I DON'T VOTE'... And now, often we heard in the news the government is complaining because there's a lot of people who don't register. My answer is ---> MY PREROGATIVE!!!!

Do you like roller coasters?

Yeap. I get excited at first. Then when I'm sitting in the thing, I will feel like vomiting. In the middle of the ride, I'll be praying that I don't vomit or pee in the seat. And at the end, after the blood came back down from my head, I will want to go for the ride again.

Are you shy?

Very hard to say. I actually AM. But I try my best not to be. Abu will have something different to say about it. Maybe Cat and Boo will agree with him as well. And Shanky too... And most probably Zizie and Widie as well.... Heheheh....

Do you think you're popular?

I've been working in the same company for 5 years. Never attended ANY company event. On my birthday, the same person who celebrates his birthday with me will get a card from the company, but not me. So yes, I am popular (popular with my own group... The URGULS).

Best thing in the world?

... are free... :-p

What's your favorite song right now?

Be my baby from Dirty Dancing OST. But the most sang song now is 'kookaburrah'. That seems to put Kady to sleep.

How many pairs of shoes do you own?

A pair of crocs, a pair of Ipanema sandal, a pair of ballet shoe from Aldo, a pair of sneakers from Mickey shop, a pair of runners from Adidas, another pair of sneakers from Converse, and a nike goat-toe-shoe... And also a pair of nike slippers.... Oh! And a pair of black heels from Hush Puppies.

Last lyric stuck in my head?

'wo song ni li kai, qian li zhi wai, ni wu sheng hai bai....'

Any pets?

Jojo the cat, Mancis the cat, and Pinky the ikan laga. I'm looking for one more cat, and I'm gonna name the cat Pepe Le Pew.

Worst local TV show at the moment?

I don't watch local shows.


Cath said…
the URGURLS! hahaha haven't heard that term for so long.

yup, dying to have our bi-annual so called makan fest + loser tembok chat + the blinding rain.

so go try catch the other urgurl. maybe we can convince El-Manon too (i promise i'll behave...)
Anonymous said…
are you shy? ARE YOU SHY??? how can sbody even think of asking you that??!
NN said…
shut up zezz! i'm trying to start a rumor that i'm a shy person...

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