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The one with the 90's

I like this type of topic... Reminiscing about the happer times when I don't have to earn the money to live... Sigh... Just some of my favourite stuff in the 90's:

"My name is Inigo Montoya... You killed my father... Prepare to die..." - an excerpt from the movie; The Princess Bride. Cary Elwes was one of the sexiest and funniest actor at that time. Another movie that he acted in was Robin Hood, Prince of Tights. F-U-N-N-Y!

Wet, Wet, Wet was another group that I like (besides NKOTB). If you are not familiar with them, their songs includes Love is all around, Julia says, Goodnight girl, and my favourite song, How long.

Fox Mulder was the 'it' guy back then. I mean, how can you not love him?! He's funny, he's cute, he likes UFOs (err... some might find that appealing...)...

I dunno why they never continue Asia Bagus. Najip Ali is the koolest VJ ever! He's the pioneer of all VJs! An excellent show and the contestants were good (unlike some of the contestants in AF or watever singing contest they have now).

Kiss from a rose was the theme song of 1995 (94?). Back when Val Kilmer was still hot and not fat, and Nicole Kidman was the sexy psychologist. I remembered looking at Seal's picture for the first time and trying to scratch off the 'kudis' from his face. Heh...

Moero Attack! At this point, EVERYONE wanted to be a volleyball player that can pukul bola like piring terbang and do sommersault berpusing when spiking the ball. Believe me when I say, don't even think about trying it, it ain't gonna happen. Almost broke my arms when I fell after trying to 'berpusing' on air... D****SS!

BTW, a quick baby update. We went for the 5/6 months injection on Saturday. She's currently 7.1kg and 70cm long. Dunno wat's the head circumference is. She don't look big but as what Su Yin said, she will have endless legs, while the mommy only have toes... Heh...


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