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The one with the right question...

Which is better:

  • Are you married?


  • Do you have kids?

Hypothetical situation:

You are in a conversation with someone you just meet. And you want to know whether she is married. How would you ask the question without getting her to think 'Do I look like I'm married?' or 'Do I look like I'm old enough to have kids?'. Men might not care but ladies (not all... SOME only) will feel taken aback by the question.

This actually happened to me. So the conversation went like this:

Me: Do you have any of your own (I was @ the kids boutique Pepe)

Lady: Why? Do I look like I'm married (Duh! She was in a kids boutique!)

Me: You seem to have a very good taste with girl clothings (liar, liar, pants on fire!)

Me: Oh! Yes. I have 2 nieces. But no, I'm not married yet (aaaa! nieces!)

So embarassing! Fortunately, I'm also a good liar. :-p


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