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Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows

The venue...


The beginning...

In between the book...

After the final chapter ended...

I've discovered yet another super power that I have; supersonic reading... Finished the book in 2 days (some people might roll their eyes, but considering my tahap kesabaran is below zero, I'm very proud of achievement of NOT reading the ending first.). I kno Marina was done reading before I did and I'd like to thank her for not telling me the story. Overall; excellent! I dunno how JK Rowling could think of such complicated storyline. But that's all I'm giving. I'm not gonna spoil the excitement for those Potterians who are currently or have yet started reading the book.


mrbrightside said…
2 hari? kau scan buku ke ape?
NN said…
dude... super human power dude.... of all ppl, you shud understand... i'm the member of x-men that never was mentioned in any of the comic... super speed reading....
mrbrightside said…
wah mcm kau sedut semua ayat-ayat buku tu masuk kepala la ek..waa amazing..sylar definitely want this dude hehe
Anonymous said…
hi ziah..aku pun baru habis baca ..uwaa..dah takde HP dah lps nih...
hahaha!i will never read any other hp books as im still reading chamber of'll be a miracle if I did.Yeahhhh!kak jiah d super speedo also d super mummy I supposed!
NN said…
i'm sad too... sob..sob...sob.. dah xde buku yg nak di-excitedkan about...
Anonymous said…
i think i wanna khatam from book 1 to book 7 lah..nak baca words by word..2-3 hari ni asyik dok browse wikipedia psl Harry Potter..


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