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25 JULY 1978

Someone told me once, "you can NEVER have a platonic relationship with a boy, let alone let them be one of your close friends"... Today, I would like to re-educate that someone, YOU CAN AND I HAVE PROOF!!!! See the picture up there... The one with the 'red-shirt-wearing-tapir-but-look-like-human' photo? He is my living proof...

I've known him since I've known most of TKC friends. He was this skinny specky boy who reminds me of Harry Potter (hahahahashahahahahahaahahahahh!). But now, he reminds me of Uncle Vernon instead... Sigh... Where did all the extra padding came from I wonder.... Anyways, today is a special day for him and I just like to let the whole world share it with my old friend.

EZNAN FAHIM, May you blessed with all the good things in the world and blessed with more friends like me in times to come... HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!


Anonymous said…
perghhh... i got a dedicated blog entryy... cayalah!! thank you naziah nawawie!! terharu siot.

nak kena cari hadiah utk anak ko la camnihhh sebab aku memang baikk.. anyway dah 12 tahun siot aku kawan ngan si naziah nihh.. aku asyik miss 5678 tapi dia asyik ingat bsday aku.. takpe.. ko tak marahkannn :)
Anonymous said…
ziah... camni ke dah jadi rupa bentuk si eznan nih? aku still ingat lagi ko selalu citer pasal mamat ni.. mamat yang buat ko selalu tido lena dlm class.. hahaha.. -> cuba teka sapa aku? =p
Anonymous said…
NN said…
HAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH!!!!!! bukan zizie... sapa ko?
cadence said…
kenapa aku?

happy bday, nan (auw!) haha

naziah, quote tu mcm familiar
NN said…
Anonymous said…
nan desu ka?


naziah simpan satu beg batman penuh dgn surat eznan.

epi besdei eniwei! :P
Anonymous said…
bukan zizie... sapa aku ntah.. hehe...
NN said…
FYI, aku still ada beg batman tu... Surat2 petet dah xde. Surat YAH ade la... Siap dgn 'sabun' yg dia buat dlm kelas chem dia... hahahahahahaahahahahah!!!!!!!!
anon; if u r a fren of mine, u kno i dont do guessing games.... :-p
mrbrightside said…
omigod it is petet hehehe.

zz:nan?kau gile?
NN said…
espet noni la... 'nan' le konon... yucks! zz tersasul tu... heheheh...
Anonymous said…
petetozo gell gell goh!

Anonymous said…
hahaha !! poyo la korang semua! arghh the katak's!! seb baik la aku takde lagi surat si naziah ni.. dulu siap warden tahan surat siott!! wei ziziE.. mana syiling 29 sen aku plak! :p

anyway tak sangka sihat lagi hangpa korang ek.. ingatkan aku sorang je badan 'sihat'

ziah! bagus ko wat post pasal aku nih.. laku jugak lagi saham aku nih :))

widya natasha!! gilolzz
zz ... jgn la pecah rahsia kita berdua..hahaha
Anonymous said…
lupe lak.. uchain--feewitt.. jambu gambar! haha

nanti aku kaco blog ko lak
NN said…
espet noni hot topic? yucks!!!
mrbrightside said…
petet you should see my honeymoon pics.. gambar aku after photoshopped semua jambu-jambu hehe
Anonymous said…
aaa? 29 sen? rahsia? aku blurrr!

hihi ;)

ucin, kau lepas photoshop ajela jambu...

wow, entry ni la komen paling byk.
NN said…
AYOK! Zz ada 'rahsia' dgn espet noni! apa yg boleh di beli dgn 29 sen? hmmmm.... heheheheh.... banyak respon terhadap espet noni... kang perasan lebih2 lak budak gomoks ni.

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