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My dream house... In the flesh!

I went to visit Abu's friend last week in Padang Jawa, Shah Alam. As we go all the way in, the area looks like a mixture of a kampung feel and a cowboy town. There's rumah papan, and also kawasan perumahan in the area. And out of the hustle-bustle of the misture, stood a little blue cottage, in between a gerai pisang goreng, and a nursery (or surau). This was the house that I would never imagine could have existed anywhere in Malaysia. It was not that big, a single storey, I assume, with white picket fences, and an extraordinary layout. This is my dream house. A house that I always imagine I would most probably called 'home'. I know it doesn't look much like a mansion in the sky, but the feel is homely that I almost kncoked on the door just to have a quick look around. The porch, the windows, the backyard... It makes me feel so peaceful. God knwos since the pregnancy started, I haven't been in the best situation ever. But at that particular moment, I was calm. I stop whining, I was just staring at the house, wishing it was mine....


Cath said…
can i stay in one of the attic rooms? i'll be quiet as a mouse..u won't even know i'm there.
NN said…
cute haaa the house? of course u can stay wif me... u can be my own version of the ghost in the attic...
BenBHadd said…
shouldn't it be in brick rather than flesh???

Cat to be mouse in attic?? Who you trying to bull (3 animals in a sentence!)
NN said…
AMAZING! only Benjamin could come up wif that type of sentences... That's why we're friends too! We need to absorb someone's intelligence....

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