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Mindy Doo! Where have you been all these years?

Been having a very hectic week since last... Here's an update of my so called 'hectic week'
  • My mommy was admitted in Damansara Specialist due to Asthma (told her she's getting old to climb 24 HUGE staircase 6 times a day)... She's fine and out of the hospital since yesterday.
  • I've been having really, really, REALLY painful backaches. One unimaginable pain that I have never encountered EVER in my life. To the extend that I'd rather pee on my bed than try to even get up to take 6 small steps to the toilet. Note to self: Thank mom for carrying me 9 months in her tummy, & make sure my kid reads this blog when she's old enough...
  • My maid still on holiday so I had to do laundry, clean house...etc... I enjoy doing it but restrictions no fun! I can't do dusting the shelves and kipas angin. I can't clean the cat's cages or buang the poo-poo. So, me being 'Monica' not very fun when I can't BE 'Monica'.

But at least, despite all that, I (surprisingly) am thankful that I'm working 1pm this week. At least I could clean in the morning and not cook in the evening. My cooking sucks!

Anyways, back to Idol, I have no comment for individual performances. Just that no boys could actually make it to the top 12 if I get to be the jury. Even the worst of the girls (Antonella, I mean), sang better than most of the guys. Chris Sligh was ok vocally but the song was so kampung. Maybe I'll put him thru and kick Antonella out of the competition. But at this point, I don't care who gets into the top 12, as long as Mindy Doo (that's what the person in called Melinda Doolittle) wins the Idol.

She should've auditioned for Idol last year. Not even Taylor Hicks silver hair could beat Mindy Doo's superb performance today. How could a person outsing a good performance? Her performance last week was still the talk of the town, and she came today and gave a better one. I just hope she could keep up with her ownself. I don't think she'll have any competitor at this stage. People just might get bored of her excellent performances on the 6th or 7th show. Let's wait and see if she can outdone herself again during the top 12 (assuming the Americans are intelligent enough to vote for her. Remember Gideon from last season? The dude who sang 'when a man loves a woman' perfectly but did not make it to the top 12 and the Americans let the specky "Chicken Little' dude in?).

Whatever it is, my overall top performances this week:

  1. Mindy Doo
  2. Lakisha
  3. Jordin
  4. Stephanie
  5. Chris Sligh
  6. Sabrina
  7. Chris Richardson (I have no other choice... The boys were bad)
  8. Sundance
  9. Haley
  10. Blake
  11. Jared
  12. Gina
  13. Antonella
  14. Brandon
  15. Phil
  16. Sanjaya

My verdict of who goes out: Haley, Antonella, Sanjaya and Brandon


The Momster said…
take it ez ok? no matter how hectic u need your rest :)

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