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The curse of the orange cat

Another cat died 2 days ago. He was orange, and very, very manja, and he got an extra toe on all paws... Lemme share the story of The curse of the orange cat...

Abu LOVES orange cats. His criteria for cats are:

  1. must be orange

  2. male

  3. manja with him

His first orange cat was Garfield. I don't have his picture but he really was a 'garfield'. Fat, orange, lazy, eat-a-lot, likes-to-sleep... Abu got him when he was in UIA. Garfield was not friendly to everyone but very loyal to Abu. We were staying @ Ridzuan Condo in Sunway at that time. After a year, we moved to our house now in SS12 Subang Jaya. He came along but after a week, we lost him. One day we decided to go back to Sunway to check if our letters are still being sent there. And guess what? Garfield was there, waiting for us to take him up to our old place. We took him back to Subang, and he went back again to Sunway. And the third time it happened, we couldn't find him anymore...

The second cat was my favourite. Benji was taken from Su Yin's aunty. He was obese (bigger than garfield), with bengal cat pattern, eyes so big that it looked a bit crossed-eye, sprawled on the floor like superman flying, and sleeps sitting down like a human being. He was my sleeping partner, even during my pregnancy (so it's taboo when people say throw your cats away when you get pregnant. Not good for pregnancy. You only need to avoid handling their poo-poo)... The only bad habit that he got is poo-ping right in front of my bedroom door. It was always at the same spot! See my profile picture? That's Benji. He likes eating plastic bags. He died due to fever and stomachache. Must be due to all the plastic bags he ate. I cried for 2 weeks!!!!!

The third cat was Oren, who died 2 days ago. A very special cat this one. We've never had any cat which liked car-ride as much as this one. Not even afraid if a car approach him. That's how he died too... My sister called me, crying like hell, telling me some bloody idiot (btw, I cursed that the person's car/motorbike punya tayar semua pancit/kena curi.. And the rim also bengkok so that he/she will need to fork out at least a thousand just to buy new tires and rims!) langgar the cat... I didn't cry, but I do miss Oren...

That's the story of The curse of the orange cat. Next time Abu wants a cat, I'll get a female, anything but orange cat..... Sigh....


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