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Naziah Nawawie has landed... back in KL lah!!!

Yes... yes... I'm back after almost 3 weeks in KK. Sigh... I love KK. So peaceful... So many Starbucks/Coffee Bean/San Fransisco Coffee within a few miles radius... Sigh... And you kno what? On a clear sunny cloudless day, I can see Gunung Kinabalu from my window. Sigh... I miss KK...

'Nuff about me missing KK. Waddup with KL? So far, it's been me spending a lot on groceries yesterday. All the time me in KK, Abu didn't buy any groceries. He wanted to wait for the pro to come back and do the shopping. I had fun buying stuff (don't judge me! I haven't been shopping for quite some time. I AM NOT A SHOPAHOLIC!), until I see the amount. Die!!!! Then I remembered I bought pampers and susu baby. Those 2 items are expensibe I must say...

So tomorrow I'll be heading out to KL. Need to do some banking, interview to attend, see some friends... Did I mention the interview? It's nothing actually. Just an interview for a position in my department. Lateral move? Err... Not really... Different title, same job with a little extra twist in it... I hope I could get the interview done by 4pm, to avoid traffic.... Interview starts at 3pm. That is if I rajin nak turun KL la... My boss actually wanted to do a phone interview only. See la how my mood goes tomorrow.

Here's another trivia I took from Esah (more! I want more! muahahahah!!!!)... Enjoy reading and doing it:

1. What do you miss the most?
KK, the beach, my mom... Sigh...

2. What do you do if you meet a person that you hate?
If I have the option of leaving the place, I'd do that. If not, I'll ignore the person. I'm good at ignoring people... coughMEVRAUcouchcoughCATMARINAcoughcough...

3. One item you really want?
Now: New wardrobe since I lost loads of weight now. Even my jeans are too longgar. Forever: A jeep. I dunno why but I've always liked Suzuki Jimny. My grandma used to have one when I was in TKC and I've always hoped that they will give me the jeep as a graduation gift.

4. What do you do if you're talking to a really stupid person?
I have a really really almost non existing patience towards stupidity. I'll try to avoid talking to this type of people but if I stumbled across one, I will use simple words and not more than 5 words in a sentence.

5. Last book I read?
I'm reading 'Sleeping with the fishes' by Mary Janice Dickinson. It's something that I don't have to think when I read type of book. It's a bimbo book...

6. The person you're thinking of?
Myself... I'm thinking about my plan for tomorrow. Heh...

7. Last gossip I just heard?
I don't gossip... Hahahahahahhahaha.....

8. Last testimonial in Friendster?
A congratulations from Nantheni

9. Last person to call me?

10. Last song I sang?
Makes me wonder by Maroon 5. My kid likes the song. Everytime I sing it, she falls asleep... Wait a minute... That came out different...

11. Last place I visited?
My uncle's place in Tropicana last nite
12. Last SMS from?
From DIGI, informing me it's now only 25 sen to call Indonesia...

13. Last cousin I met.
Cousins in Tropicana (Lisa, Arief, Kamilia and Karina)

14. What did I do last weekend?
We went to celebrate my sister's birthday in Sutera Harbor on Saturday. Also went window shopping with my aunty at this new shopping mall in KK (cool place btw...). And on Sunday, we came back to KL, I went grocery shopping and we went to visit my uncle.

15. Who is your hero (in)?
Other than superman? My mom; for being a strong person and a good daughter to her parents. Myself; for not giving up hope on having a kid (patience pay, my friends!)


The Momster said…
welcome back ziah!!
Cath said…
r u saying u ignore me???

*cluthes heart and gasps in shock*

but whyyy..??

oo btw hows coughMEVRAUcoughcough.
Anonymous said…
so ... boleh buat lawatan sambil belajar?
The Momster said…
nak ikut lawatan sambil belajar plzzz!!
BenBHadd said…
no more blind leading blind I see? finally the 'we support each other' gone??

Not unexpected, really...:p
mrbrightside said…
welcome back naziah!
NN said…
lawatan ke mana? nak ikut jugak... ben; i sent the application already. and who da blind person? u r speaking to us in ur 'da-vinci-code' languange... me no understand it... hehehe...
BenBHadd said…
this ain't no 'da vinci code' language....but not surprised you no understand...biasalah....:p

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