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TRIVIA TIME... Taken from Esah's blog...

EIGHT last:
Alcohol beverage: Don't do alcohol
Beverage: Air sejuk... Just had lunch...
Phone call: Abu. Asked him to buy 'air badak' for me mommy. Dia demam... :(
Text message: To Kak Su... She was asking me about 'Hanoi Bride' (Korean movie).
Bubble bath: Just only last nite, in my dream tho... Heheheh...
Time I laughed: This morning with Kak Norma. We were talking about Paris Hilton's stupid jail term and the funny, funny, story of the demented American law.
Time I hugged someone: My kid... I was holding her like a rugby ball and almost 'pass' her to her Uncle Nabil. So I hugged her instead...

SEVENS have you ever:
Dated someone only twice: WHAT?????!!!!! I'm not that cruel....
Cheated on someone: Does dating orlando Bloom and Jared Padalecki at the same time considered cheating?
Kissed someone and regretted it: A lady never tells...
Fallen in love: Everyday...
Lost someone: To death? Nope... To situation? Yes... To another girl? Yes... To another man? maybe...
Been depressed: I'm only human...

SIX things you did in the past three days:
Went to school: I don't anymore BUT I pass by a school yesterday... Heheheh...
Went to work: On maternity leave
Kicked someone: Not recently... But I have tho!
Got drunk: Yeap... I don't need alcohol to get drunk... Ribena have the same effect for me.
Slept: 3 hours every nite! That's luxurious beauty sleep for me.
Got frustrated: Yesterday... Had loads to do yesterday... My kid's majlis bercukur jambul yesterday...

List FIVE people you can pretty much tell ANYTHING to:
a) Amelia
b) Cat
c) Marina
d) My cats
e) My ikan laga


The Momster said…
how's pantang btw? ;) khadeeja has grown so much!! cepat betul...
Anonymous said…
ko pantang ke idak nih ziah?

babab kang! hehehehe
NN said…
pantang? err.... heheheh.... cepat kan? dah sebulan dah dia...

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