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In my opinion... If it matters... (Part 2)

A game that I will never understand. One small ball, one dude smacking the ball, and a few hundred people cheering as the ball flew across the golf course. And may I remind you that the ball is small and white!? How could they see where the ball went? If it was me smacking the ball, I wouldn't be able to see where it goes...

Johnson & Johnson Peach Bath
The smell reminds me of my school days in TKC. Everyone seems to have the obsession of buying that. It smells so good but since it reminded me of school, it is inderictly linked to add maths class with our beloved Mr Nathan (RIP), dining hall (Wahi and sobiak ronggeng) and the worst of all; STANDARD TAKINGS!!!

The X-Files without Mulder
Useless... Mulder IS the X-files. Scully's too serious and Agent Dogget is too policeman-type of an agent. I only continue watching it after Mulder's disappearance because of A.D Skinner. He's a very cool old man.

Overrated... Underrated... Blah... Blah... Blah...

I need one desperately.

1901 Hotdog
The best hotdog ever!

Crabtree & Evelyn
Better than L'Occitane. They have the best rose smelling product (perfumes, soaps, etc...). The biscuits are excellent as well...

My blog
A way for me to share my nonsense and for you people to laugh at and think about... If it make any sense...

Thanks for reading, by the way...
The babbler


Ash said…
Yeah, I don't get golf too! The only things I know about golf is Tiger Woods and Michelle Wie. Didja see the finale of ANTM? Puas ati tak???
cadence said…
i thot enchanteur bring back memories of the early yrs in college...then we all went 'baby' in the end.

i stuck with sanex.

*why am i writing this on www?*
Anonymous said…
I thought I'd share a neat site I found when I dug deep into a search engine the other day. This is good when you really start looking around. A hidden gem really. But I digress.. here - golf school

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