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In my opinion... If it matters...

Saddam Executed

Will not make any difference to the war in Iraq. Bush will never get the oil from the country and many more will die between the secterian fight. Killing Saddam will only abolish his pain, while they should have taken away his pride. He died knowing that people all over the world will always remember him as a Leader.

George Bush, the President

His greed will only be the death of his own people. And for that, he will be assasinated by the hands of the Americans who disagrees with his way.

Pak Lah, our Prime Minister

Needs to re-think about the marking up of fuel and tol prices. The Malaysian people is already suffering with low income vs high cost of living. If the fuel gets any higher, I'm moving to Japan, where the fuel is already high but with better entertainment places.... they have DISNEYLAND there... :0


A better version of X-Files. At least there's no government conspiracies that I don't get. And not to mention the gorgeous Jared Padalecki and the super hot Jensen Ackles. If you are a already a fan, I'm currently watching the second season (jangan jealous...). If you are not, you should be!

Gilmore Girls

I wish I could be a young mom like Lorelai. But that'll be impossible as I was in an all-girl boarding school. I think Rory should have stayed on with Dean (what do you mean I'm bias? The fact that Dean was played by Jared Padalecki does not make any difference... Dean was really in love with Rory!). Jess was too small, physically, for Rory (Alexis Bledel is really huge). Logan was too blonde. And I hope Lorelai will end up with anybody else BUT Chris. Better Kirk than him...

David Beckham

Should retire from playing football and be a full time model.

Chilli's @ Mid-Valley

Excellent food, very impressive service.

TGIF @ Subang Parade

Food sucks, service bad, overcrowded with their own employees who have nothing better to do than standing around gossipping with each other.

The year 2006

Can't remember the first half of the year. We were really, really busy in the office. Second half was stressful. Trying for a baby was not easy but patience pay... Alhamdulillah....

The year 2007

3 main events I'm looking forward to:

  • Arrival of baby in Early May (or late April)
  • My sister's wedding in August
  • MATA Fair in September


Japan (and most probably Korea too), HERE I COME!!!

To everyone;

May 2006 be another wonderful year to remember and be grateful of.

May 2007 be a more properous and better year.

Blessed be and have a good year ahead!



elly said…
hey there!! happy new year....
Maryam said…
happy new year ziah!

i think i'll forgo rain for boys II men ... hehe!
NN said…
boys II men coming to kl?
Maryam said…
genting babe ... genting ... lets jom!
Cath said…
i love ur blog. i love u. o heck, i love everyone. turkeys and all.
NN said…
Maryam! Jom pegi!!! details pls....
Cat, you are my evil twin... Let;s go see boys II men. Or would you rather go see backstreet boys?

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